For the last 31 years, Open Doors has released their World Watch List, detailing where persecution against Christians is most prolific.

Overwhelmed by the World’s Suffering? Here’s How to Help
“We can’t save them but love them where they are at.” Jeremiah Project’s Jacky Turano reminds us that small acts of kindness can mean a lot.

Dating? Doing Some ‘Soul Care’ is Important While Single
“Our journey of life and healing – and even accomplishing God’s will – is a partnership with God,” Debra says.
Brandon Heath Takes the ‘Gospel Truth’ into the New Year
What’s one thing you’re finishing, and one thing you’re starting? The reflective nature of a year ending is important to Brandon Heath.

Making Room for Jesus This Christmas
It’s worth asking the question: what are we doing in the Advent period to remain clear and focused, and to make room for Jesus?
Beyond Blue’s Christmas Message: “You’re Not Alone”
As loved ones gather to celebrate that special time of the year, the charity reminds us that the festive season isn’t joyful for all.
Dress Up for the ‘Dressember’ Campaign to Fight Human-Trafficking
It’s a confronting reality, but right now over 27million women and girls are victims of modern-day slavery and trafficking.

“Don’t Put it Off” – Mum and Dad, Learn First Aid for Summer
With the holiday season almost here, now is a good time to make sure you know what to do, if anything goes wrong.

Who Should Pay for Church Morning Tea?
Churches should be mindful of what’s involved in providing morning tea, and ensure expectations do not cripple those eager to serve.

Who Should Pay for Church Morning Tea?
Churches should be mindful of what’s involved in providing morning tea, and ensure expectations do not cripple those eager to serve.