“Happiness really is about contentedness – and if we’re forever chasing the next thing, that happiness never arrives.”

The Season to be Grateful
Gratitude is associated with positive emotional experiences – so putting it to work is a good way to enjoy Christmas a little more.

Aussies, Let’s Talk About Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a day when Americans pause to reflect on the blessings they’ve received. So what’s in it for Australians?

What Are You Grateful For?
Research suggests that it takes as little as three weeks of practising gratitude to train our brain to look out for the positive.

“You Choose Your Hard” – Or Do You?
There is a popular social media post doing the rounds that says “You Choose Your Hard.” But there’s something it’s missing…
Practise Gratitude – Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
If you make a decision to focus, meditate and study on the blessings that we take for granted, you invite more of that into your life.

How to Be Thankful: 7 Steps From Entitlement to Gratitude
In practical terms, what does it mean to move from a sense of entitlement (I am owed) to gratitude? Brian Harris shares seven insights.

The Avatar Effect – And How to Beat it
The Avatar Effect: That phenomenon where, after watching Avatar, rather than relishing its cinematic escapism, viewers become depressed.

Solitude for Beginners
Susan Browning was always busy – until the day she started watching clouds go by – and felt a tiny bit restored. It started a new habit.

You Ought To Be Congratulated!
What things have you achieved in your life that perhaps you feel don’t deserve to be celebrated because they aren’t quite big enough?