Older generations have a wide range of views towards Gen Alpha, what they are like, and how they navigate the world around them.

Older generations have a wide range of views towards Gen Alpha, what they are like, and how they navigate the world around them.
A Zalpha is a term used to describe those born on the cusp of these two generations – Generation Z and Generation Alpha.
In 2029, when Gen Alpha enters adulthood, their collective economic footprint is projected to surge past US$5.46 trillion.
In an era defined by digital connectivity, a new generation is emerging, and with it, a set of distinctive challenges for parents.
Within 4 years, Generation Alpha will outnumber the Baby Boomers, and many of them will live to see the 22nd Century.
Our children need digital skills to thrive in today’s world – but how do we also develop in them the life skills that can only grow away from the screen?
As the first generation to be entirely born in the 21st Century, the influences that shape Generation Alpha are different to previous generations.
The first movers of the Metaverse just might be Generation Alpha – the most technologically integrated generation of our lifetime.