Is Christian singleness a burden to be endured or a God-ordained vocation? Might singleness give a glimpse of God’s heavenly promises?

Is Christian singleness a burden to be endured or a God-ordained vocation? Might singleness give a glimpse of God’s heavenly promises?
A powerful new documentary series explores the global surge in spiritual openness, hosted by Christian communicator Karl Faase.
Your choice of Christmas tree isn’t very crucial. But there are some things in life where settling for a fake has big consequences.
After filling Marvel Stadium in Melbourne back in 2018, thousands are gathering in Brisbane this weekend for Awakening Australia.
The Gospel isn’t explicit on screen, but it’s historically known that teaching about Jesus’ blood led to many Māori pursuing peace & harmony.
Australian athlete Naa Anang reveals what it takes to pursue dreams that seem crazy to others and how faith is her secret weapon.
The more you look to Jesus and remember what He’s won for you, your hope will get bigger – and more radical. And your fears will get smaller.
The greatest manifestation of love is the Cross… if you have believed in Jesus, you will not perish, but have everlasting life.
Jesus spoke a lot about being prepared for his return. Find out who He is, what He’s done, and what He’s going to do – so that you’re ready.
Have you heard the new term being used to describe those who turn up to the workplace rather than always work from home?