Momentum is a free online mental health platform co-designed by young people, for young people to tackle the mental health crisis.
How Jesus Launched a Sexual Revolution That Protects Children
Outrage against paedophilia is not universal, neither through history nor through many cultures around the world today.
How Kids Helpline is Normalising ‘Help Seeking’ in Schools
Schools are encouraged to make use of the free Kids Helpine @ School program which can empower and help normalise ‘help seeking’ in students.
“It’s Time to Put Children First” Says National Children’s Commissioner
After two years of uncertainty and disruption, Commissioner Hollonds said it is time to put the needs and mental wellbeing of children first.
Why I’m not Afraid to Take my Kids Out in Public
Here are some tips to make things go smoother, learned over many years of extensive shopping, with multiple children, in public places!
“Our Mission to Save Children”: New Anti-Abuse Technology
A new tech start-up lead by former CEO of World Vision Australia promises to increase protection of all vulnerable people from malpractice and abuse.
Mindfulness a Priority for Federal Government in Improving Mental Health of Youth
The Federal Government is supporting the rollout of the Smiling Mind app into 600 regional and rural Australian primary schools this year.
Rend Collective Band Leader Chosen by Sponsor Child
On the eve of their sell-out Australian tour, Rend Collective’s Gareth Gilkeson opened up about being one of the last to be chosen as a Child Sponsor.
Perfectionism – Stealing Children’s Confidence and Responsibility?
Sometimes the obsessive tendency for things to be ‘just so’ can undermine our goal to build confidence and responsibility into our kids.
Talking to Children About the Bushfires
The fires have affected so many in this country. How do we help our children to feel reassured when they witness so much that can stoke fear and insecurity?