Via podcasts, the truths of the Bible are being rediscovered and re-presented for a new culture, a new generation, a new people of God.

Via podcasts, the truths of the Bible are being rediscovered and re-presented for a new culture, a new generation, a new people of God.
Why do we have allergies? Because our body’s own immune system is attacking itself. Sometimes we do that to ourselves emotionally, too.
The Voice to Parliament referendum is a chance for a deeper conversation about ideas which are at the heart of the Christian faith.
Perhaps there is a new category of church that could be imagined – for want of a better name, “church-lite”. Brian Harris reflects.
In its 30th year of publication, the Open Doors World Watch List lists the nations where Christians face the most severe persecution.
When I stack the dishwasher, my wife re-stacks it. I can never get it right! So I simply give up. I think some of us are like that with God.
The world is discipling us, not on the basis of intellectual argument, but at a deeply subterranean emotional level, writes Stephen McAlpine.
As a society are we are losing our historical literacy, or our ability to engage in moral reasoning about history?
Many Christian denominations have upheld standards of “perfection” that create a fundamental misunderstanding of the gospel message.
“Rates of domestic abuse in the church community are about the same as in the broader community,” Anglicare’s Lynda Dunstan says.