If you can focus on where you are going and what you feel you are supposed to be doing, encouragement comes from the most surprising sources.

If you can focus on where you are going and what you feel you are supposed to be doing, encouragement comes from the most surprising sources.
When you’re feeling insecure, look around you at the good things that you have and make a decision to grab hold of your confidence.
Some people are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for something that they value, but God paid more than what the world says you are worth.
When it comes to our human need for affirmation and approval, the praise that comes from God is far better than the praise that comes from people.
As a child I suffered emotional abuse and abandonment, told repeatedly that I was stupid and that I would never amount to anything.
Before you take on what someone has said or even what you are saying to yourself, T.H.I.N.K before you receive those words.