By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 10 billion, which means there will be an extra two billion people to feed.

By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 10 billion, which means there will be an extra two billion people to feed.
November 15, 2022 was the day the United Nations predicted the world’s population would tick over the historic 8 billion milestone.
This month, the world population odometer ticked over to eight billion people, the fastest rise ever. But that growth is expected to fall.
To bring four decades of change home to Australia, let’s look at the most recent Census data to see how we’ve changed and grown.
Migration has historically been the primary mechanism for Australia’s growth. So what happens when closed borders brings that to a halt?
Over the last two years, the key factors driving Australia’s population growth have all fallen. What does that mean for property prices into the future?
Melbourne is set to pass the 6 million population mark at the end of the decade – overtaking Sydney to become Australia’s largest city.
The type of homes people desire are changing and so is the composition of households. By 2041 we will have 13 million homes, up from 10 million in 2021.
Data has the power to show us where we have come from and gives us a glimpse into the future of what could be. Here’s what it says about our identity.
The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) population data has arrived, highlighting the impacts of COVID-19 on our population.