We know that God speaks to us, but there are three areas where it’s particularly difficult to hear his voice. You may already know them…

Redundancy: 4 Ways to Survive (and Even Thrive!)
Pete shares essential financial tactics that you can do following a redundancy. It will make all the difference.

What Our Attitude to Money Reveals About Our Heart
Jesus had a lot to say about money in his teachings, and what he had to say was often uncomfortable and challenging.

Savings Demystified
Regular, incremental savings contribute significantly to future financial stability, says accountant Pete Burrows.

Which Supermarket is Cheapest?
A landmark Choice report reveals that Coles and Woollies do not come out on top in the supermarket price wars.

Navigating the Storm: How to Triumph Over Financial Stress
Worried about the rising cost of living, interest rates, and impossible property markets? Here are a few tips for managing financial stress.

Why Earning More Will Not Solve Your Money Problems
Dreaming of a job with a higher salary? Accountant Pete Burrows explains the many costs of a higher paying role that you should keep in mind.
Youtuber vs Wall Street, the David and Goliath Battle – in ‘Dumb Money’
Despite being labelled as ‘dumb money’ by the industry, this one man brought about a revolution that changed how the stock market operates.

Understand Your Super Through the First Book of the Bible
Does the Bible say anything about Super? Here are three key things you need to know, according to superannuation expert Warren Bird.

“Shop Around”: Energy Boss’ Winter Warning
With winter looming amid rising energy costs, let’s look at some ways to keep warm without breaking the budget.