There are times in life when the person stealing your joy turns out to be yourself, writes Lorrene McClymont.

There are times in life when the person stealing your joy turns out to be yourself, writes Lorrene McClymont.
The Pharisees often criticised Jesus for celebrating too much, for finding reasons to enjoy life with others, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.
In this verse of Romans, the apostle reveals a vital spiritual principle: God can fill you with all joy and all peace.
Six words dropped into my mind as if from heaven: “Go at the speed of joy”. I’ve been trying to put them into practice ever since.
Whether you are in a time of rejoicing or a time of suffering, you will always have a reason to rejoice, writes Dr Eliezer Gonzalez.
Uncorrupted by the trials of life, yet to become cynical, this kid innocently expresses his love for something as simple as corn covered in butter.
Authors Shannon Vandewarker and Denise Daniels’ new book considers how Christians can enhance their everyday occupation through spiritual intention.
If you are a Christian, take a moment to joy-check your religion. And if you’re not, could you be missing out on real and lasting happiness in your life?
Every person who’s ever been born into this world has pursued happiness, but not all have found it. Here’s the secret according to Jesus.