Does God see me? Can he hear me? How could he possibly love me? Am I really going to heaven? Is the rapture going to happen tonight?

Does God see me? Can he hear me? How could he possibly love me? Am I really going to heaven? Is the rapture going to happen tonight?
I had prepared for this job interview, prayed for the right answers, and proven my determination to give the job my all.
Your body is changing, your voice is sounding different, and your brain is struggling to keep up. I’ve been thinking about some things you should know.
Just as we have to move our physical bodies in order to mend, we have to move in our spirits to heal the wounds we carry there. Moving means mending.
Not every person facing divorce is the same, but I believe there are 10 universal needs that most who are divorcing share.
I would never attempt to have coffee with hundreds of people every day and listen to all their opinions about the world. So why on social media?
It’s not what you planned for, it’s not what you prepared for, and it’s certainly not what you prayed for. Here’s how to make peace with your life.
Take a deep breath and quit comparing…even to your own expectations! You don’t have to be flawless to be the mum that your children need.