Humans live in the fear of death, despite their denial of this truth. This fear leaks out of us in the way we live our lives.
When You Forget Your Password
I was so close to buying Taylor Swift tickets – until I forgot my password. We missed out because I forgot one piece of information.
Do You Want To Live Forever?
Films like Groundhog Day make the idea of eternity out to be anything but appealing. How should we think about eternity?
Being Single has Eternal Value, Says Theologian
God has a vision and a purpose and a dignity for singleness in the life of His people that is grander than we realise.
Made For Heaven
You were made for life, and with all the good things that it brings. That’s why Jesus has gone to prepare a place for you in heaven.
The City and The City: Living In Formational And Worshiping Distance
In his novel The City and The City, English author China Mieville sets a murder mystery in two cities, Beszel and Ul Quoma.
Tyler Ellis’s Social Experiment Shows the Gospel Isn’t as Well Known as You’d Think
Christian: Don’t assume that your friends already know the message Jesus brought to the world, don’t assume it’s common knowledge.