The Google Maps murder suspect is a small example of what is a global reality: the eyes of the LORD are roaming throughout the earth.

The Google Maps murder suspect is a small example of what is a global reality: the eyes of the LORD are roaming throughout the earth.
Traditionally, philosophers and spiritual leaders have believed that you must be religious to have a mystical experience. Is it true?
We all owe debts, and the greatest debt we owe is to our king, God himself. It is a debt that we can never repay…
I still keep on hoping that maybe my footy team will turn things around. But of course, it’s a hope not really based on anything certain.
There’s an idea in theology known as the ‘two books of God’. Brian Harris argues that there really is a third ‘book of God’ as well.
Have you ever pondered verse 3 of Psalm 23? “He guides me along the right paths for his names sake.” God has a reputation!
Who made God? The short answer, is of course, that no-one made God. God is himself the maker and original cause of all that exists…
When it comes to God there are some things we know and many things we don’t. This is why we need humility, writes Brian Harris.
Have you ever heard a preacher speaker express a view about God that made you think, “Well, that makes God sound petty and small”?
The God who comes to you is not the God whom many people know. They mainly know the God to whom they have to come, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.