You often hear people say about how you have to learn to accept yourself. It’s true for everyone. But how do you go about it?

You often hear people say about how you have to learn to accept yourself. It’s true for everyone. But how do you go about it?
It’s in times of discomfort, awkwardness, and a feeling that you lack confidence, when real growth can happen, writes Rachel Reva.
Yvette Cherry encourages all gutsy, outspoken, take-action women of God to keep on stepping up and raising their voice.
When you’re feeling insecure, look around you at the good things that you have and make a decision to grab hold of your confidence.
It’s a dilemma we all face in one way or another. We all experience the illusion of strength in our lives which causes us to think we don’t need God.
Reportedly 55 per cent of girls between the ages of eight and nine years are dissatisfied with their bodies.
Sometimes the obsessive tendency for things to be ‘just so’ can undermine our goal to build confidence and responsibility into our kids.