How does the Bible help us disagree well? To get us started, here are 9 points that have helped me enormously.
The Art of Conversation: Are You an Illuminator or a Diminisher?
Often we assume we are better conversationalists than we are. It is hard to listen well. It is easier to be a diminisher than an illuminator.
Are You a ‘Preacher’ or a Storyteller?
There is a preacher and a story teller in each of us. We need to soften the preacher and develop the story teller.
Why Repetition is a Powerful Tool for Marketers, Teachers and Leaders
We should beware dodgy marketing ploys that gain traction via simple repetition, writes Michael McQueen. But repetition is a powerful tool for good, too.
In a Diverse Cultural Landscape, Our Communication May Need to Slow Down
More cultural diversity means the pace of our communication may need to slow down, to ensure we communicate and engage with communities well.
Breaking Language Barriers: New Tech Giving Real-Time Translations
If you’re talking to someone who speaks another language, as that person speaks over the phone, you will receive an almost real-time translation in English.
Switchfoot’s Tim Foreman Says Opposition is an Opportunity to Grow
“…Can you make something beautiful with people that you strongly disagree with? I think you can, and I think we need to.”
A Refreshing Conversation Between an Atheist and Christian
A conversation that offers fascinating insights and perhaps a model for how to have civil and thoughtful conversations about God, gods and bigger questions.
What to Do When Parents and Grandparents Disagree
Here are some tips to help you get your extended family back on track when parents and grandparents disagree on how to raise your kids.
Sometimes You Must Tell Your Heart to Beat Again
The idea that we could tell our heart to do something is strange, but there is merit to the psychological power of self-talk.