“Off the Back of COVID, Every Business Owner in Australia Has Suffered” – New Podcast Boosting Businesses

Mar 31, 2021 | At Work

By: Katrina Roe

Starting a new business has to be one of the most exciting, terrifying and risky things a person can do. If you are struggling to get a business off the ground, you are not alone.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in 2018, there were around 2 million small businesses in Australia. But every year, around 50,000 will close their doors for good.

What makes the difference between success and failure?

a quote from episode 6 of the podcast - Question: do you ever feel threatened when you're hiring someone smarter than yourself? Josh nicholls answers, never. I love it. if i have people smarter than myself, i think it's the best thing ever. i love seeing them in their lane, doing what they've been born to do well... i don't think there's anything more rewarding.
Source: TheOnlineCo. Facebook page

Getting to the Heart of Business is a new podcast exploring the experiences of small and medium sized business people; how they’ve made it through their toughest challenges and, ultimately, how they’ve turned the corner.

James Parnwell from The Online Co is the host of the podcast and says they had been looking for ways to help the community during COVID, while also increasing their business exposure.

“These two things hand-in-hand presented us with the idea of ‘Why don’t we do a business podcast that talks to people about real business problems?’,” James said.

“Off the back of COVID, every business owner in Australia had suffered, lost sleep; it had been awful, some more than others.

“So Getting to the Heart actually says, the business journey has ups and downs, and the downs are real and when you hear somebody tell you a difficulty that they had and how they came out the other side, that’s not just ‘Ra! Ra! – you can do it.’  That’s, ‘Hey I understand your pain and I overcame it.’

“For me personally, I just find that type of story immensely encouraging.”

getting to the heart of business trailer

Article supplied with thanks to Hope Media.

About the Author: Katrina is a writer, radio presenter, children’s book author, and mother of three.